Wallpeppr: Paint with Flickr
Filed Under Art | 2007-05-12, 00:46

How would you like to take your favorite image from Flickr and “paint” it directly onto your wall? The Wallpeppr, designed by Carlo Jorges, was designed to do just that. The Wallpeppr is a roller that uses inkjet-technology to print out an image transferred to it via a network cable. It’s pitched as working with Flickr, but that means it can work with any image, since Flickr just uses jpgs. I think Carlo just says it works with this popular Web 2.0 site so that he can drop the last vowel with style. Unfortunately we haven’t found anything more than a short write up and some marketing style photos on Yanko Design so it’s hard to tell if this truly does exist in a working form. If anyone has photos of it in action, please post them to Flickr. And then paint them on the wall, and post pictures of you painting them on the wall, and then…. you know the drill.
DJ Shadow – Napalm Brain/Scatter Brain
Filed Under Movies and Music | 2007-05-11, 23:03
There has been a song that has haunted me for awhile. One of those songs that you hear, but can never remember what album it is from. I’m generally terrible about song names, and when there are no lyrics, it’s almost a waste of time to try to identify a song. But tonight I heard one of those songs come on while I was listening to a live DJ Shadow set from the Benicassim Festival in 2002. The song has a great drum n bass-y feel to it, with a nice flowing background melody. It reminds me very much of the Crocodile Dundee theme song (as silly as that may sound), in fact so much that I think of it as a Crocodile Dundee remix. I’m sitting here listening in the intricate beats and just smiling. I finally tracked it down to DJ Shadow’s album “Endtroducing…” and the track name is “Napalm Brain/Scatter Brain”. The really good part doesn’t start until about halfway through the 9 minute song, but then it gets oh-so-good. Right at the 6:50 mark the “Crocodile Dundee” part starts in. Such a great track. I highly recommend checking it out. I also found out the DJ Shadow will be in LA at the Hollywood Bowl on June 24th. Hmmm…. Road trip time?
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Helio Ocean on the way
Filed Under Gadgets & Hardware | 2007-05-11, 07:42
I received an email notification at 3am that my Helio Ocean order was put through. I have to wait two days (probably Monday arrival), but I saved close to $200 by taking the presales route. I’ve been a huge fan of Danger and their Sidekicks for years, but the Ocean is enticing. It’s the first phone that I’ve seen that could compete with the Sidekick 3. Apparently a lot of others are saying the same thing. Danger, is it time to step up the game and go back to releasing ground-breaking devices?
Social Engineering to Feed the Homeless
Filed Under Pranks, Video | 2007-05-11, 00:37
Golden Gate Bridge collapses
Filed Under Funny, SF Bay Area | 2007-05-02, 18:39
Wikipedia just told me that the Golden Gate Bridge has collapsed. Hope nobody has to head north from the peninsula tonight!
Post a number, get banned on Digg
Filed Under Education, News, Websites | 2007-05-01, 14:18
Looks like Digg is getting into some hot water with their users. A story was posted on Digg with the key needed to decrypt HD-DVD. It quickly got 15,000+ Diggs, making it the 3rd most popular story ever. Then it disappeared. We’re not even going to get into it, but here’s a story that has more info.
Great Color Legends
Filed Under Education | 2007-05-01, 12:41
Ever wondered why a stop sign is red? Dollar bills are green? or maybe what the story is behind the green M&Ms? COLOURlovers has done a bit of research and has some answers in their recent post, The Great Color Legends. Did you know that pink used to be a boy’s color and blue was a girl’s color? Here’s the list of legends they touch on (with sources of info cited):
Why is Red the International Color for Stop?
Why is the US Dollar Green?
Why is Pink a Girl Color and Blue a Boy Color?
Why are Republicans Red and Democrats Blue?
Why is the Green M&M the Horny One?
Why is Purple a Lesbian Color?
Why is Black the Color of Death?
Why is the Sky Blue?
Why are Road Signs Green?
St. Patricks’s Green?
Why is Raising a White Flag the Symbol for Surrender?