Eye-Fi Wireless SD Card
Filed Under Gadgets & Hardware, News, Photography | 2007-11-20, 20:08
Eye-Fi Wireless SD Card
Originally uploaded by edrabbit.
Finally got a minute to setup my Eye-Fi card. I must say I’m very happy with the finished product so far. I was very very glad to have both the options to upload directly to Flickr as well as to upload to a folder on a local machine. I was stuck with just Flickr support in the past and didn’t like how every single blurry photo got uploaded, not allowing me to pick and choose. Now with it uploading to my laptop via wireless, I can sort through them (organized by date even!) and pick which ones warrant the Flickr stream. All in all definitely worth $99 in my opinion.
This could definitely change the way photos are done. Imagine being at a protest or gathering. You snap some pictures of some sensitive stuff, the authorities confiscate your camera and destroy it. What they don’t realize is that all the pictures were wirelessly synced to your laptop in the car that has a wireless AP running. I can also imagine this being convenient to photographers, who can upload photos while they’re doing a shoot, so they can be reviewed instantaneously. I’m also trying to think of other projects where this could be fun. Mella and I have talked about putting together some portable cameras that this would be fun to work with.
So far there are only two things I wish the card could do. Have another 2 gb of space to match my 4gb (although I may be able to survive with space for 780+ photos/17minutes of video), and have a setting where I could tell it to connect to open networks that don’t require a password automatically. Oh, and add a third to that… support for RAW images would be nice!
AT-AT T-Shirts
Filed Under Art, Funny, SF Bay Area | 2007-11-13, 22:44

mooflyfoof pointed me to these incredibly awesome shirts (of course after she got one for herself so now I can get one or else we’ll match *fist shaking*). Not only is the design available on t-shirts, but also hoodies, and infant t-shirts. To clue in those not from the Bay Area:
According to George Lucas, the AT-ATs were based on the tripod fighting machines from The War of the Worlds. He also took inspiration from elephants and loading cranes in West Oakland–hence the nickname “elephant walker.”
via answers.com
Buy your own from the girl and rhino. If you’re curious about the West Oakland AT-ATs, may we suggest a flickr search?
UNKLE Paying Lip Service?
Filed Under Movies and Music | 2007-11-08, 20:35
I received a free copy of this mix cd when I saw UNKLE live at the Mezzanine in San Francisco. I was happy to see them embracing a more open stance on music and copyright until I read the conflicting fine print:
The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Surrender All. Made in the UK. All rights of the producer and owner of this recorded work reserved. Unauthorised copying, public performance, broadcasting, hiring or rental is prohibited.
So based on this I can’t legally rip it or burn it (unauthorised copying), and I can’t share it (public performance, broadcasting). What gives?
Fun With Perception
Filed Under Funny, Video | 2007-11-03, 14:09
Two entertaining videos from Shaun Micallef, an Australian comedian, that use some pretty good camera and set tricks.
San Francisco Pie Fight!
Filed Under SF Bay Area | 2007-11-02, 18:15
Today Market St saw quite the mess at the Powell Cable Car turnaround. A Pie Fight erupted amidst the throngs of tourists. Mike Morris was able to get some good pics while dodging the pies.