Google Navigation.. Yes please

Filed Under Gadgets & Hardware, Video | 2009-10-28, 11:59

I think I’m sold on the Motorola Droid (and Android 2.0) with the addition of Google Navigation:

Google Navigation takes the awesomeness of Google Maps and puts all of it and more onto your Android device.
Up to date map data, easy searching, voice navigation, live traffic reports, searching for stops along your route, satellite AND street view?! About the only downside is how it behaves if it is unable to get a data signal. I’ll still keep my Garmin eTrex vista HCx for those off road trips and for logging tracks, but looks like Google Navigation blows other navigation software out of the water when it comes to driving.

More details over on the Google Blog.


Film of San Francisco in 1958

Filed Under SF Bay Area, Video | 2009-10-23, 15:58

One of my favorite songs (“Alone in Kyoto” by Air) and my favorite city, San Francisco. How can you go wrong? The pairing of the music with the video gives me goosebumps.

Jeff Altman restores and posts old videos from his grandfather on Vimeo. He recently discovered that this one, labeled “Alameda 1958”, included some great shots of San Francisco at the time. Can’t wait to see more!

via Spots Unknown


Videos of Bullets At 1 Million Frames Per Second

Filed Under Video | 2009-10-11, 19:51

A breathtaking video of a variety of bullets flying through the air and their impacts at up to 1 million frames per second. The videos are from Kurzzeit, a German ballistics measurement company that also sells cameras capable of 30-1,000,000fps at a 312×260 resolution. The cameras are made by Shimadzu.


Sights and Sounds of the Blue Angels

Filed Under Photography, SF Bay Area | 2009-10-09, 13:01

Blue Angels and Sutro Tower

It’s Fleet Week again in San Francisco, and as usual the debate over whether the Blue Angels are awesome or that they just represent war rages on Twitter and elsewhere online. Everyone has their own opinion, but politics aside, I love the technical aspect of these incredibly powerful jets flying over our city with talented pilots. Having roof access I went up and snapped a few pics. Additionally I grabbed my audio recorder and was able to capture a fly-by. Wondering why people are complaining about the noise? Turn your speakers way up and check out this MP3 to find out.