Eyeball Tattoo
Filed Under Body Modification | 2007-07-02, 19:26
Like many of my body modification posts, this may not be for those that are squeamish and following any links in this post may lead you to NSFW material

What’s the last place on your body you would expect to get tattooed? Most people would answer the eyes. Not tattooed eyelids, but tattooing your eyeballs. Well not only is eyeball tattooing possible, it’s also been done more often than you would think. BMEZine’s wiki page states that it was commonplace before contact lenses as it could be used to cover up defects in damaged eyes. Usually this is performed on sightless eyes as there is a chance for infection and loss of sight. However recently an attempt was made on tattooing the sclera (the white part of your eye) of three guys with perfectly healthy eyes.
Howie (LunaCobra.net) performed the procedures on the three brave “mice”: Pauly Unstoppable, Josh, and Shannon Larratt. The goal was to color the sclera a nice blue color. Kind of like the Fremen’s eyes in Dune if you ask me. One attempt was done with a hand-poked technique, while the other two utilized a syringe to inject the ink. All in all there was some difficulty getting the ink at the right level and getting it to stay, but it definitely looks like a start towards modification of yet another body part. So far one update has been posted and it looks like the ink is spreading around, distributing more color. I can’t wait to see how these guys heal and how the final result looks.
Oh, and as if it didn’t need to be said, but don’t try this at home. This experiment was well researched, the risks understood, and willingly accepted.
Original blog post with pictures
Update after 24 hours
image via zentastic
Beautiful Fern Scarification
Filed Under Art, Body Modification | 2007-06-27, 01:52
I’m usually not a huge fan of scarification as so many of them heal in unexpected ways. That’s not to say I can’t appreciate a gorgeous one when I see it. I was browsing through BMEZine’s ModBlog (contains nudity and serious body modification) and came across this beautiful bit of scarification:

via modblog NSFW!
Shaped Dermal Punches
Filed Under Art, Body Modification | 2007-06-26, 01:46

Anyone that’s into body mod knows of Steve Haworth (or at least you should). He’s one of the pioneers of body modification as art and has been quoted as saying “Flesh is my medium”. He’s responsible for a lot of the advances, tools, techniques, and ideas in this realm as well. I first heard about him from my piercer and friend, Tony Terrell who did the dermal punch-ing of my ears. I jumped onto Steve’s website recently and noticed that he had some really nice looking shaped dermal punches. Of course these would require custom jewelry, but definitely something that would be unique.

via Steve Haworth :: 3D Body Modification & Human Evolution Artist
Technology-induced synaesthesia
Filed Under Body Modification, Lifehacks, Tools | 2007-06-24, 23:58

“See with your tongue. Navigate with your skin. Fly by the seat of your pants (literally). How researchers can tap the plasticity of the brain to hack our 5 senses — and build a few new ones.”
A great article over at Wired that speaks for itself. Anyone interested in body hacking shoudl definitely check it out.
Mixed Feelings (via BoingBoing
Christopher Conte
Filed Under Art, Body Modification | 2007-04-11, 18:25

Unbelievably gorgeous sculptures from Christopher Conte. Articulated insects, stainless steel arms, and more.
Thanks to jwz
Piercings Gone Bad
Filed Under Body Modification | 2006-10-18, 10:38
Piercing is safe if you know what you’re doing and you listen to your body. People have been piercing their body parts for thousands of years. However, with body piercing moving into the mainstream in the last decade or two, and more and more people getting pierced, it’s not suprising for the media to pick up on the rare cases of really bad piercings. CNN had two articles on their front page related to piercings gone bad today that are reminders of important lessons in piercings.

Lesson #1: Don’t pierce yourself if you don’t know what you’re doing. A 13 year old girl attempted to pierce her own navel and somehow managed to perforate her intestine. She ended up getting a nasty infection and doctors say she was in danger of dying at one point. She dropped from 115lbs down to 70lbs and became incontinent. No piercing is worth that!
Link to article
Btw, the mother was found guilty of neglect by not seeking treatment for her daughter.
Lesson #2: If it still hurts, take it out!
Piercings are not supposed to hurt once they’ve healed up. If it hurts, something is wrong. An Italian teenager was apparently experiencing severe nerve pain that was linked to her tongue piercing. “The Italian teenager said the stabbing pains in her face felt like electrical shocks that lasted 10 to 30 seconds and struck 20 to 30 times a day.” The simple solution? Taking out the piercing.
Link to article
If anyone is interested in the actual medical article on this one, here you go
Some additional articles on piercing and the medical community are also available on the JAMA site.
If you want something pierced, get someone who knows what they’re doing to do it. Your body is your canvas: decorate it, don’t destroy it. And educate yourself before you do it. BMEZine is a great place to find info and experiences on the various ways to modify your body.