Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus
Filed Under Funny, Movies and Music, SF Bay Area, Video | 2009-05-12, 16:42
Ever wondered what it would be like if a gigantic shark and a humongous octopus battled it out in the waters of the San Francisco Bay? Neither have I, but after seeing the trailer I couldn’t resist pre-ordering Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus, the straight-to-DVD-movie with Debbie Gibson. It’s a flick from The Asylum, a company with a large amount of movies with strangely familiar titles.
Wondering how big “Mega” is? Here’s a still from the movie of Mega Shark attacking the Golden Gate Bridge. Needless to say our favorite Bay Area shark is put to shame.
Tonium Pacemaker Replaces Turntables for Hobby DJs
Filed Under Gadgets & Hardware, Movies and Music, Video | 2009-05-08, 12:53
As someone who has a problem with both electronic music and technology, the Tonium Pacemaker seems right up my alley. It’s never going to replace a truly talented DJ and luckily the creators recognize that. However, thanks to the lower price of entry ($499 for the 60GB version), it can bring more people into the world of mixing music. I’ll be honest, I’m torn. I don’t know whether to whine about the purity of vinyl, or to go out and buy a Pacemaker. But I do know that if I was to get one it sure would take up a lot less space than the two Technics + a mixer + cabinet of records. My big question though is how well does it deal with jungle/drum and bass tracks?
If you don’t have the patience for the full in-depth review above, check out Engadget’s quick video highlighting some of the features. The official video is absolutely horrible however:
My Little Pony Live Action Movie
Filed Under Funny, Video | 2009-05-07, 18:59
I can’t wait for the My Little Pony Live Action movie to come out.
via Rubin of course
Beautiful Thermite Explosion
Filed Under Fire, Video | 2009-05-02, 15:12
Definitely file this one under “Don’t Try This At Home” or even “…At NIMBY”. The above video is a wonderful example of what happens when you pack gunpowder into a pipe and then top it off with thermite. It’s a beautiful mushroom cloud of molten metal that you’ll want to be far away from when it goes off.
via Jon Sarriugarte
DDI at How To Destroy The Universe Part 6
Filed Under Events, Fire, Fire Art, News, SF Bay Area, Video | 2009-04-27, 17:25
On Saturday, we pulled Dance Dance Immolation out of storage for the first time in almost two years, dusted it off and got it running again. The event was “How To Destroy the Universe Part 6”, an industrial party held at the new NIMBY location in Oakland. We ran one of the longest and most problem-free runs in the history of DDI. BoingBoingTV came and filmed and we had a chance to shoot the infamous sfslim with fire. We also got to shoot fire at several Noisebridge members, the newest blogger for Laughing Squid (Burstein), and a bunch of others. Many photos and videos were taken. My photos can be found in this Flickr set and this album on Vimeo.
If you’ve never seen Dance Dance Immolation, here’s what it looks like in action:
Amazing Landing After Plane Engine Dies
Filed Under Video | 2009-04-22, 17:13
Want to see the correct way to make an emergency landing? Watch from two different views as the engine cuts out and the pilot calmly makes a landing on the highway amidst the occasional profanity.
Zenta’s A-Pod Hexapod Robot
Filed Under Art, Geek, Video | 2009-04-08, 12:35
After seeing the video of Zenta’s hexapod in action I just had to share it. It’s design, fluid movement, and lifelike qualities make it absolutely beautiful. The video just had me saying “wow” every few seconds whether it was picking up a can of soda and not getting thrown off balance, or being dexterous enough to pour a glass of water. As my friend Neil put it, “This robot is so lifelike, it will either have you cooing with delight or running away screaming.”
The creator, Zenta, is no stranger to hexapods or robots, having quite the robot family. If you’re more interested in the construction and parts of the A-Pod, check out his post which is chock full of great photos and how-to info.
YouTube Remixed Into Awesome by Kutiman
Filed Under Art, Movies and Music, Video | 2009-03-04, 13:27
Sorry for the reblog, but I had to share this. DocPop guest posted this over on Laughing Squid:
Thru-You is the new album by Israeli funk musician Kutiman. All of the album’s sounds were painstakingly culled from YouTube videos and masterfully mixed into 7 fantastic tracks. It’s like the “Entroducing…” of the internet! Hurry over to to watch these amazing videos where you can also find the original links to all the sampled tracks by clicking the “credits” button.
Excuse me while I pick up my jaw from the floor. Absolutely amazing stuff! Go check it out
An Absinthe Education
Filed Under Education, SF Bay Area, Video | 2009-02-16, 04:12
I’ve found myself drinking more and more absinthe over the past year or so. It’s a much more enjoyable drink than your typical beer or cocktail. We even had the pleasure of having the Absinthe Fairy Crusher visit the latest party at The Fishbowl.
However absinthe is a much misunderstood beverage. If you’re not familiar with absinthe, it’s production, and it’s effects, you might want to take a few minutes to sit and watch this great series of videos from Lance Winters from St. George Spirits, a local Alameda based distillery, talks about how to make absinthe, what to look for in a good absinthe, how he feels about absinthe, and his plans for future batches. Not only is it educational and entertaining, it’s also great cocktail party knowledge, especially if you’re planning on stopping by for our next gathering!
You’re Not Hallucinating: Forget all the myths and rumors about the green fairy
San Francisco Pillow Fight 2009 and the UN
Filed Under Pranks, SF Bay Area, Video | 2009-02-16, 03:16
Every year in San Francisco on Valentine’s Day, thousands of people gather to confront each other with the softest weapons known to man. Many of my friends have joined in this battle, wielding pillows of all shapes and sizes. This year I decided that I would lay down my pillow and take a neutral stance as an embedded journalist. I went into Justin Herman Plaza alongside the The United Nations Commission on Costumes & Holidays (UNCCH), who were there to try to defuse the tense situation that seems to happen every year. The UNCCH inspected pillows to make sure they all conformed to international standards, while continuing to insist that they should seek other forms of conflict resolution.
The pillow militants surrounded us on all sides, and we all knew what was coming. There was no stopping a movement as strong as this one.
The clock struck 6:00 and the feathers flew. The carnage was far and wide as an estimated 2,500 people swung pillows, battering others left and right. We stayed around the outskirts at first, but then decided that the story had to be told from the front lines. Along with my trusty cameraman, Steen, we braved feathery weapons to make our way through the battlefield. It wasn’t pretty, but then again Valentine’s Day isn’t always pretty either.