Incredible contact juggling video
Filed Under Video | 2008-06-05, 09:27
We interrupt your regularly scheduled posts of Ed complaining about computers to bring you this amazing video:
via Rubin
AudioSurf looks incredible
Filed Under Art, Movies and Music, Video, Video Games | 2008-03-03, 15:24
AudioSurf is a “music-adapting puzzle racer where you use your own music to create your own experience” says Steam. In short, you choose the music and the game creates a board and game-play experience that is related to that music. I’m always a bit wary of all these games that say your own music can affect game play and think that they’ll never be able to compare to the synaesthetic experience of Rez, an all time classic. A friend had mentioned the game in passing, and I didn’t think much of it other than to notice that it has the Orange Box soundtrack, including “Still Alive”. But after seeing the video above I instantly loaded up my Steam and purchased this. Review to come soon.
Fun With Perception
Filed Under Funny, Video | 2007-11-03, 14:09
Two entertaining videos from Shaun Micallef, an Australian comedian, that use some pretty good camera and set tricks.
Electronic Ink Tattoos
Filed Under Art, Body Modification, Gadgets & Hardware, Video | 2007-10-23, 22:26
Every day it seems like we’re living in a Neal Stephenson book more and more. While the thought of tattoos that change via technology is not necessarily new, this is the first time that I’ve really seen someone illustrating the concept in a video. And on top of the sexy video, the people behind this are none other than Philips.
They describe this project as such:
Tattoos and physical mutilation are amongst the oldest forms of personal expression and identity. Subcultures have used tattoos as a form of self representation; a visual language communicating personality and status. Philips Design examined the growing trend of extreme body adornment like tattoos, piercing, implants and scarring.
The Electronics Tattoo film expresses the visual power of sensitive technology applied to the human body. The film subtly leads the viewer through the simultaneous emotional and aesthetic transformations between two lovers.
While the video really touches on the possible sensuality of a tattoo that changes with arousal and emotion, there are also practical applications for something as incredible as electronic tattoo ink. Imagine a simple text display created in electronic ink. Nothing more complex in display than a character LCD. Add bluetooth (or some other form of wireless) support to that with a small implant. Now you can display any text you’d like. Use your cell phone to pull the latest weather, sports, stocks, RSS feeds, or subjects from your emails as they download. Your latest twitter scrolling across the nape of your neck, or perhaps the song currently playing on your mp3 player. Or more importantly, serious medical information that provides EMTs with life-saving info right on your chest. The possibilities are endless, and not really that far off.
In fact, way back in the dark ages (1995) there were some people that had a similar idea. There is a patent filed by Andrew J Singer and Sean White from Interval Research Corporation in Palo Alto, CA. This patent is for an implantable and programmable LCD that might actually be possible with today’s advances in technology. Unfortunately Interval Research closed their doors in June 2006. *sigh* Maybe we’ll have better luck with Philips in 15 years.
via BehindTheInk
How not to get pierced
Filed Under Body Modification, Video | 2007-10-18, 19:14
Today we bring you two videos of how not to get pierced, thanks to ModBlog (NSFW). While we’ve got nothing against piercing outside of professional studios as long as the person knows what they’re doing, it’s pretty obvious that the people in these videos don’t. Well at least they had an idea to
Explosion Collection
Filed Under Fire Art, Video | 2007-09-18, 21:31
We’ve recently stumbled upon some good videos of explosions again. Last time it was Explosive Ordinance Disposals but this time it’s an even bigger explosion, as well as some other large ones I had the opportunity to see in person.
Russian Vacuum Bomb
Containing 7.8 tons of high explosives, Russia’s latest “vacuum bomb” is non-nuclear but results in an explosions equivalent to 44 tons of explosives. While the “Mother of all Bombs” is 8.0 tons, it is said this “Father of all Bombs” is even more powerful. The shockwave is readily visible, I only wish that the video had audio.
2BLEVE was an art piece created by Nate Smith at Burning Man in 2006. In short about 250 gallons of fuel was ignited in two “boiling liquid expanding vapor explosions” (hence the name, 2BLEVE). A BLEVE occurs when a tank containing pressurized liquid is ruptured and the fuel quickly vaporizes, something you don’t want to happen by accident.
More pictures and videos of 2BLEVE.
Crude Awakening
Crude Awakening was an art piece in the deep playa for Burning Man 2007. It consisted of a 100ft high oil derrick and 8 figures in poses of prayer “worshipping” the derrick. Politics, opinions, and green man theme aside, the explosion and burning of it at the end of the week was still awe-inspiring.
The extended version with the ridiculous amount of fireworks (for those without ADD):
The explosion from up close:
From a mile away:
Morning after
from thinkcooper:
Following the Crude Awakening burn, early Sunday morning, Nate figured we should dispose of the last couple of hundred gallons of AV fuel on his trailer. A group of a ~dozen of us headed out to the CA site around 5:30AM, and cleared out a 250′ safety perimeter. Nate filled two tanks with a ~200 gallons of aviation fuel each, pressurized them with propane, and then set them off. Bob Hoffman and I were laying on the playa right below the rings. What a Sunday morning treat for the all-nighters still hanging out at Crude Awakening site
Octapult – a kinetic sculpture
Filed Under Art, Gadgets & Hardware, Video | 2007-07-19, 20:23
We stumbled upone this video and were strangely mesmerized. Something about the rhythmic movement and the sounds that it made were entrancing. The engineering behind it is beautiful and the resulting product is great.
Here’s what the artist has to say:
The “Octapult” is a kinetic sculpture designed and built on commission by Bradley N. Litwin of Philadelphia, PA. With 8 synchronized catapults, 160 plastic balls per minute are launched, caught, and recirculated. Made mostly of wood, the work is ~36 inches in diameter. On permanent display in the lobby of Lower Merion Elementary School, Merion Station, PA. Also a performing jazz musician, more of Litwin’s work may be seen and heard at
The First Cell Phone Commercial
Filed Under Gadgets & Hardware, Video | 2007-07-19, 19:17
Almost 20 years old, here’s the first commercial for the Centel cell phone/car phone from 1989!
via GeekSugar
The Graffiti Project on Kelburn Castle
Filed Under Art, Video | 2007-07-08, 14:10
Kelburn Castle, one of the oldest castles in Scotland to have been inhabited by the same family, got nailed with spray-paint. This pre-1200s castle is now the canvas for Brazilian graffiti by some of the top artists in the world. The aim of the project is to create great art “whilst challenging the public’s understanding of both urban graffiti art and the British institution the building represents.” The idea stemmed from members of the family who inhabit the castle wondering if they could convince the world-famous Banksy to create a piece on the wall of the castle. The idea soon evolved into recruiting graffiti artists from Brazil to fly out to Scotland, spend a month in the castle and paint the walls and turret along with the help of some local artists.
Before you start questioning whether or not this is disrespectful and whatnot, there’s a few facts. This is supported by the Historic Scotland and of course the owners of the castle. Only two walls and a turret will be covered. This ‘canvas’ was chosen because the concrete currently on the walls is causing damage and will need to be removed in 2 years anyways. So the graffiti will only be displayed for 2 years, so book your flights now if you want to take a look at it. Or you can check out photos of the completed work over on their site. There is also a really neat time lapse video of it being created as well:
The Graffiti Project: Kelburn Castle via
Avatar Machine Video
Filed Under Art, Video | 2007-07-06, 15:43
Remember the avatar machine I posted about awhile back? Here’s a video of it in action. It looks like it would be fun to see a whole new perspective on life.
via Next Nature